Once upon a time 3 betting and 4 betting were so rare that the strategy was simply referred to as a re-raise. More recently, there has been a spike in the popularity of 3 betting and 4 betting which is simply an alternative term for a re-raise or a second raise after another player has already made a raise.
Before we can understand quite why this is the case we must first make certain that we understand exactly what such a play is. Even though it’s a technically a second raise, the move takes its name from the fact that the big blind is counted to be the first bet of the pre-flop round of betting.
So, what is 3 and 4 betting? In short, these are simple raises that create bigger pots. Let’s say you raise pre-flop and the next player at the table then re raises again. This is what is known as a 3 bet. Should this then be raised again, we have ourselves a 4-bet. Generally speaking, 4 bets are more common pre flop but can happen post flop also.
What is a 3 bet in poker?
A 3 bet is what the initial re-raise before the flop is referred to. It can also refer to the first post flop re-raise too. The reason they are increasingly popular is because, essentially, they make an opponent’s decisions much more difficult to make.
Instead of only 3 betting when you are holding a stronger hand, you should be using this strategy more often, even with weaker hands. If you only use this play with a strong hand, say JJ+, you will make yourself far too easy to play against.
Opponents will be able to fold everything save their strongest hands with confidence against your 3 bets. This will, in turn, prevent you from extracting the maximum value. By 3 betting a number of non-premium hands, you will become far more tricky to play against.
If you 3 bet following a weak player’s pre-flop raise, you will be forcing the players following you to fold their hands when they may have been planning a single raise. Due to a lack of experience, this weaker player may have been forced into making a decision that they were not prepared for. If the hand opener is holding anything other than a premium hand, then they could well find themselves in trouble too.
Force Players Out Of The Hand
The equity of your range will decrease as more players put into the pot. Making a 3 bet will normally isolate some players and force them into folding before the flop, increasing the likelihood of you winning the hand.
By 3 betting you will have made it more likely that the other players will fold, leaving you to possibly go heads-up against the weaker player for a larger value pot. Of course, you will need to know what to do next after your 3-bet has been called. More on this below.
This is especially true when playing against a player who regularly folds to a 3 bet so be sure to 3 bet bluff more often if you have a weak hand. Even against a player who very rarely folds to 3 bets, this can lead to higher value hands while cutting out some potential bluffs.
If you spot a player who you believe is making a lot of pre-flop and post-flop mistakes, then you will want to play as many hands against them as possible. One possible way to achieve this is by 3 betting them when they raise pre-flop.
3 betting can also work against players who open too wide pre-flop. If someone is opening or 3 betting very wide, then they are likely to struggle to continue against our 3 bets and 4 bets. This often allows you the chance to take down the pot down pre-flop which will result in more money.
Extract Maximum Value
Another reason 3 and 4 betting is growing in popularity is to squeeze the most value possible out of a hand. This is especially true of the strongest hands such as AA/KK/QQ which you are more likely going to play anyway.
The best time to 3 bet is when you are dealt a hand that lands within your 3 bet range. It is vital that you know what you are going to do next after you have made your 3 bet move. Plan your 3 betting strategy before you play in order to execute it perfectly during the game. If you have no idea which hands you are going to 3 bet before you start playing, how are going to make the right calls while you are playing?
Finally, while it is important to have a pre-planned strategy for 3 betting ready to use before you sit down, it is also important that it is fluid enough that it can be adjusted depending on the opponents that you are playing. As noted above, if you are playing somebody who always folds to a 3 bet, then you will want to widen your 3 betting range. So you can see that there are many advantages to 3 and 4 betting which is why it has become such a popular poker strategy.